III chakra – trigonal system

Tumbled yellow jasper so you don't lose heartYellow Jasper is a stone that stimulates tenacity and self-confidence, makes you resolute and combative, and helps you achieve your goals. In this regard, yellow jasper is the most soothing version.

It helps to process frustrating experiences and feelings of blows, helping to find the courage necessary to move forward with one’s intentions.

It is also considered the stone of friendship, ideal to give to loved ones. Jasper strengthens righteousness and honesty.

It gives you the courage to take on undesirable tasks. It stimulates the imagination and helps to translate one’s ideas into reality.

On a physical level, yellow jasper stimulates the immune system, is useful in case of problems with the intestines, liver, kidneys, bile, bladder and has a detoxifying effect. Motto: the urologist.

It should be kept in contact with the skin, then worn via pendants, bracelets, or necklaces.

All types of jasper have detoxifying effects, they act as a grounding, they are protective and economical.