Black tourmaline is a stone that helps protect us from external negativity and electromagnetic waves. It does not need to be purified, it absorbs negative energies and sends them back to the environment purified.
Beautiful rock crystal sphere, perfect for those who want to elevate themselves spiritually. It is a stone of light and helps to amplify one's states of consciousness.
Beautiful rose quartz sphere. This wonderful crystal promotes both self-love and love for others, animals, and nature.
It is the stone of universal love.
Beautiful sphere of Septaria. This powerful and wonderful natural stone will work on your energy by reactivating the Kundalini energy channel where the seven main chakras are located.
Bellissima sfera in cristallo di rocca, perfetta per chi vuole elevarsi spiritualmente. E' una pietra di luce ed aiuta ad amplificare i propri stati di coscienza.