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Anello in argento 925 con Lapislazzuli

Ha significati altamente positivi, ed è indicata come il cristallo della verità. Una pietra che permette, a chi la indossa, di agire e parlare senza tradire i propri valori.

Lapis Lazuli bracelet

Lapis Lazuli promotes wisdom and honesty, prompting you to assert your inner truth

Round Amazonite Ring

Round amazonite ring. It boosts self-esteem, frees you from victimhood, fights stress and empowers you to take the reins of your own destiny.

Round Blue Agate Ring

Blue agate ring. It's the stone you should never be without if you're feeling lonely, desperate, or anxious

Round lapis lazuli ring

Round lapis lazuli ring. Lapis Lazuli promotes wisdom and honesty, prompting you to assert your inner truth